As part of the ongoing memorial ceremony for the death of the Polaroid, here are a few of the more amusing photos taken from my trip to Europe a summer or two ago. Yes, I did lug around an instant camera and twenty-five packages of film across eight countries. Take your judgment elsewhere.

Seems like good advice.

Seems like good advice.

A few revisions were required to make this more accurate.

A few revisions were required to make this more accurate.

In case you can’t tell, the red sign says “Murphy’s Law.”

In case you can’t tell, the red sign says “Murphy’s Law.”

This sign was facing in the direction opposite to the dangerous step. This implies that instead of “Watch your step” this sign can only mean, “Watch out for falling people.”

This sign was facing in the direction opposite to the dangerous step. This implies that instead of “Watch your step” this sign can only mean, “Watch out for falling people.”

If you had this statue in your yard, no one would mess with you. Mainly because it takes a huge badass to steal a statue from the Louvre

If you had this statue in your yard, no one would mess with you. Mainly because it takes a huge badass to steal a statue from the Louvre