Be glad there is a comic here because Tony spent all week sinking in some mud while Wes carefully started crossing a rickety canyon bridge.
Be glad there is a comic here because Tony spent all week sinking in some mud while Wes carefully started crossing a rickety canyon bridge.
My general policy is to assume everyone is allergic. Strangely no one appreciates my efforts.
Well Jason doesn’t have any hands.
The hidden comic made me lol harder than I should have at 8 this morning. >.>
Well done. 😛
WHERE IS THE HIDDEN COMIC?!?!?! O.O I’m so confuzzled lol
Love your stuff guys
ITs on the top right side of the comic. Not in the comic, top right side of the comic box. Mouse around until a “?” appears
Me too, though why he vomited a fish skeleton, I have no idea.
Would the hidden comic be a case of nuclear vomiting?
The hidden comics always get me.
Very nice, poor Tommy. Aww crap!
Holy fucking shit the hidden comic was hilarious!!!
hidden comics? WOW! genious!
lol at the hidden comic
That kids gonna have a rough life
this is an inspiring story about a teacher that went above and beyond for her students.
Haha vomit propelled rocket.
And where did those fishbones come from?
He might want to check to see if he’s allergic to empathy too. He shouldn’t have had such a strong reaction in the hidden comic.
That’s a common misconception. The actual definition of sympathy is a lot broader than it is sometimes taught. Empathy is a specific case of sympathy.
Empathy is described as knowing how somone feels through personal experiance. Sympathy is sharing feelings with another person. In fact, Empathy is a type of sympathy, just as a square is a type of rectangle.
pssh hey guys check out the nerds
Hey guys check out the stupid people.
Empathy is the ability to enter into someone else’s feelings and be able to understand them. Whether or not you have personally experienced the same feelings previously is irrelevant. Sympathy is sharing in someone else’s feelings.
While I can be empathetic and understand how Tommy is feeling when other kids make fun of him, it by no means assumes that I must be sympathetic and share those feelings as well.
Alternatively I can by sympathetic and feel bad that other kids are making fun of him, but I do not have to be empathetic and attempt to imagine what it would be like living with his condition.
While the statement in the hidden comic is entirely empathetic, the action of trying to console him, is what made it sympathy.
dude… it’s a comic! Not a psychopath laying on your couch…..
Well, Tommy kinda deserves it. He’s an ass.
Yeah, that’s it!
Who eats entire fish including the bones and head? Must be a sympathy allergy thing…
I think it’s obvious that he ate fertilized caviar.
But the salt they put on the caviar would have killed any zygotes that formed. Not to mention the canning process.
The real comic served up the laughs and the hidden comic did some sort of atomic spike. Nobody stood a chance.
Ha! Sarah Palin The Teacher is back!
Sarah Palin…the teacher…good one
I have that same reaction to people that talk about the weather.
So, it’s pretty cold today huh!
I hear its going to rain on sunday
Ah yes. The infamous Dillweed. The hybrid between the dill pickle and the marijuana plant.
Actually dillweed is a type of spice. I don’t know why it’s an insult. 🙁
Sucks to be you, PAPRIKA!!
Too bad, OREGANO!
Bet you’re sorry now, CORIANDER!
You take that back!
oh O.O Ive never heard dillweed before lol. Only the more vulgar form.
I think its an insult because it sounds like Dickweed
OHHHH i bet that would be a pretty gross taste =/
Hidden comic takes “projectile vomiting” to a whole new level….
poor tommy lmao
its funny cause you don’t know wether that teacher is just a bitch and awesome hidden comic
when you guys talk about the hidden comic, do you mean the mouseover? ive spent longer than i should have looking for this hidden hilarity, especially today when people said it was extra hilarious and the mouseover was nothing inspired.
if someone could enlighten thatd be just awesomepants
Top right corner next to the comic – a questionmark appears when you hover over it.
Click it.
Place ur mouse at the top right corner of the comic. Move it slowly right until it highlights a question mark. Click it.
In the right-top of the comic, just outside the borders on the right, there’s a Question mark hidden that will appear when you point your mouse there. If you click that, you will go to the hidden comic.
For example, the hidden comic for this one is:
So you get a comic, a mouse-over AND an hidden comic 😀
on the top right hand corner of the window there is an “x” click it for some extra good LOLs, you can thank me later 😉
Sometimes it’s the subtleties that make me laugh the most. Jason and Brad: perfect names.
I’m surprised no one has caught on yet to what I assume is an intetional paradox by Tony and Wes, or is it Wes and Tony? The fact that she is obliging his needs by not being verbally sympathetic is in fact an act of sympathy even if it is not intended as such. Basically the kid is screwed either way. If someone is insulting him specifically beacase they are trying to avoid an allergic reaction,they are still being sympathetic because they are trying to help him. His allergy is to sympathy, not just only to sympathetic words. The only way to avoid sympathy altogether is never to tell anyone and to act like a complete asshole and/or sociopath. Maybe there’s a very small percentage of strutting jocks that are actually just allergic to sympathy. Test it iut sometime by using the girl’s line in the hidden comic and see how they react!
Maybe she’s obliging him for purely selfish reasons, I mean, who wants covered in projectile vomit?
Also, I can be allergic to peanuts and still smell and touch them without reaction…it’s the ingestion that’ll invoke an allergic reaction. Perhaps his allergy is similarly limited to a specific form of intake, in example; auditory. Hope you’re not allergic to being pwneddd haha <3
Dammit I’m allergic! *projectile vomit*
Best hidden comic ever!
I was looking through the archives yesterday and I got to the snowflake comic and I thought “They should revisit the teacher”. DREAMS DO COME TRUE.
You’ll get no sympathy from me!
best hidden comic ever
The secret comic shows she definitely tried for empathy. Too bad it didn’t work. Oh pathos.
He’s FLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah! Amazing super power, eh?
hidden comic?
very good lines…
If you look closely at the last pannel of the hidden comic, you can see Tommy regurgitated a full fish skeleton. This proves the theory that Tommy turns into a bear whenever Carl the turtle decides.
He should have been fine in the hidden comic. That was empathy, not sympathy!
Who eats a whole dead fish?
I didn’t realize he was vomiting in the hidden comic at first; I thought he exploded into giblets and fish skeletons.